A puppy that is free to act as a puppy, with no anxiety to contain his behavior within human rules, within schemes that basically prevent dog owners from present and future hassles.
The first, and biggest, mistake is to think that socialization means to make our dog spend time with other dogs and other people.
When a procedure, or a behavior, is declared "self-control", ask yourself if someone is not rather exercising control on the dog or on the reinforcement.
"Tricks" are all those behaviors that we can teach our dogs and that on the surface appear to be useless, apart from the fact that you can have fun together.
The German Shepherd acknowledges the existence of me (the dog), singular you, and maybe her, but when it comes to we it starts to have problems. (second part)
I don’t have the presumption to tell, or worse, explain a breed. I'm not a breeder, I don't know by heart the names of each pedigree, or the standards of the breeds. THIS IS JUST A STORY OF THE PASSION FOR A BREED. MY STORY WITH THE GERMAN SHEPHERD (first part)
To read a dog is not simple at all. Is not an ability you can pick up in a few days, weeks or even months. In my experience it takes years of study and application.
All the shelters look the same, all the dogs seem the same dog, the same face behind a mesh. Those snouts get to you only when you cross that gate, when you enter their world.
We want dogs to stop being a problem, and possibly be cute in the process. This is why people usually go to the dog trainers.
Sissi, a rescue pitbull who got adopted by a friend of ours.
All her story in this VIDEO