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For many years I have heard trainers repeat that "you must teach the dog not to pull on the leash".
One statement, two mistakes.

- A dog can learn that leash tension leads to negative consequences.

- We can teach a dog to to walk alongside the owner.

We cannot teach a dog to "not pull on the leash" as if that was some human's rule of good manners.

Pulling on a leash is NOT a behavior.

Pulling on a leash is a consequence of different motivations.

Pulling on the leash is what we feel, the pressure exerted on our hand and body.

From the dog's point of view, pulling on the leash is the consequence of motivations that vary in different contexts and at different times.

Moving towards something the dog wants/likes

how to learn do not pull on leash

The dog can learn that the leash is an available space, and what is beyond it is not reachable (if the owner does not follow the dog)

Moving away from something the dog doesn't like/is afraid of

meet two dogs on leash

It so much depends on us and our ability to make the dog feel safe. A dog may always want to try to move away from a perceived danger, and may always pull in this situation.

Excitement and anticipation

the coping in dogs

A dog may not be able to cope with a certain degree of emotional stimulation and the expectation of an event


defense the dog on leash

A dog may feel the need to defend itself from danger.

Move away from the owner

the stress of the dog on leash

The owner can be a source of stress for several reasons (tension and pulling on the leash, lack of communication, lack of empathy...)

Stress - coping strategies

coping strategies in dogs

A dog may be exposed to stressors, and try to cope with stress through coping strategies (e.g. sniffing, marking, preying...)

Text Alexa Capra 7 september 2021

Photo Alexa Capra and Daniele Robotti

COPYRIGHT 2021 DOGS AND MORE SRL - All rights reserved